Map/Reduce Script Status Page

The Map/Reduce Script Status Page allows you to view script status, view details of script instances, and programmatically retrieve script instance details.

Viewing Map/Reduce Script Status

You can monitor map/reduce script execution using the map/reduce script status page in the UI. With the script status page, you can see whether a map/reduce script deployment is pending, in progress, or unable to complete.

If all tasks are pending, you can cancel a script deployment from this page.

From NetSuite, go to Customization > Scripting > Map/Reduce Script Status.

To help you understand and optimize the performance of script entry points used, you can drill down for more details about map stages, processing utilization, and timing. You can use this information to understand about the time required to complete a stage or process a task.

Additionally, from the script status page, you can view the deployment record and consider changing the concurrency limit.

Viewing Details of Script Instances

For scheduled scripts and map/reduce scripts, a script instance is a scheduled script task or map/reduce script task that is submitted for processing. This script instance can also be called a task.

To view the details of a map/reduce script instance, from the Map/Reduce Script Status page, click View Details. Each row contains information about an individual map/reduce job that belongs to the script instance. A job always belongs to one of the stages of a map/reduce script, and there is at least one job per stage. There is exactly one job for each of the getInputData, shuffle, and summarize stages. The number of jobs for the map and reduce stages depends on concurrency limits and the number of yields.

For more information, see Map/Reduce Script Stages and Map/Reduce Yielding.


Script execution details are purged after 30 days. Also note that the statuses listed on the Map/Reduce Script Status page are not related to the statuses that appear on a Script Deployment page. The statuses on Script Deployment pages (Not Scheduled, Scheduled, Testing) indicate the type of deployment. The statuses on the Map/Reduce Script Status page indicate where the map/reduce script is in terms of its execution.

Programmatically Retrieving Script Instance Details

To get the script status using the N/search Module, create and load a search using scheduledscriptinstance as the type argument.

To get the status using the N/task Module, see task.MapReduceScriptTask.

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