Adding Page Breaks to Tables

If you have text overlapping a footer or missing from a printout, ensure that any long content is enclosed in an element that will split across pages.

The Report Generator has specific rules for where page breaks can occur. A <table> tag nested inside a <td> tag is cut off at the bottom if it spreads across multiple pages. Only the following tags split correctly if they are spread across multiple pages:



For more information about the tags that support table pagination, see Page 17 of the BFO (Big Faceless Organization) Guide.

The following example shows a typical table layout.

          <!-- start of item table in transaction  -->
<#list record.item as item>
    <#if item_index==0> <!-- Header Definition -->
            <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
<!-- end of item table in transaction  --> 


If item.long_text_field contains more than 2000 text characters, one table line can span the whole page and overflow, and the data can be truncated. If it is necessary to print a long table over more than one page, use code similar to the following.

          <!-- start of item table in transaction  -->
<#list record.item as item>
    <#if item_index==0> <!-- Header Definition -->
            <!-- ... -->
    <#list item.long_text_field?split("<br />") as paragraph>
        <#if paragraph_index==0>
                <!-- ... -->
                <!-- ... -->
<!-- end of item table in transaction  --> 


You can enter any delimiter that you want. The previous example uses a delimiter of "<br />".

With the #list statement shown in the example, instead of printing out one table row containing all of the paragraphs, more rows are printed. A split function is applied on long_text_field, so "paragraph1<br />paragraph2<br />paragraph3" becomes a list of values "paragraph1","paragraph2","paragraph3". To print the list of paragraphs, in the first row, all of the fields and the first paragraph of long_text_field are printed. In each subsequent row, one paragraph of long_text_field is printed and all other cells are left blank.

A table that looked like this before:

Field 1

Long Text Field

Field 2

Value 1

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Value 4

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Value 5

Value 3

Paragraph 1

Value 6

Now looks like this:

Field 1

Long Text Field

Field 2

Value 1

Paragraph 1

Value 4

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Value 2

Paragraph 1

Value 5

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Value 3

Paragraph 1

Value 6

With each paragraph in a separate row, as many rows as possible are fit onto the page, and any rows that do not fit are moved to the next page.

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General Notices