Require Approvals on Journal Entries Preference

You can require approval for journal entries before they are posted. Requiring approval establishes control over the accuracy and materiality of the journal entries in your ledgers.

To enable the Require Approvals on Journal Entries preference, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences. On the General subtab in the General Ledger section, check the Require Approvals on Journal Entries box.


If you have enabled the Journal Entries approval routing preference and are using SuiteFlow for journal approval, the Require Approvals on Journal Entries preference will not appear.

For information about other journal entry approval options, see Journal Entry Approval Overview.

After you enable this preference, a user with the Journal Approval permission (Edit level or higher) must approve each journal entry before it is posted. In addition, journal entry reversals will be approved when their corresponding journal entry is approved. A reversal will not be approved if its corresponding journal entry is also not approved.

By default, only Administrators have this permission. Administrators can add this permission to a customized role, permitting users with that role to approve journal entries. See Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

The following permission levels are required to perform actions with approved journals:

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