SCIS Configuration

After you install the SuiteCommerce InStore SuiteApp, you must configure the application for your business needs. Complete the following tasks to configure SCIS:


How To

Before you begin


1 – Enable required features (SuiteScript 2.X only)

Enable Required Features (SCIS 2.0 Only)

Enable features required for SuiteScript 2.X record processing:

  • Return Authorization

  • Store Pickup

Use the latest SCIS technology.

2 – Configure Locations and Subsidiaries

Subsidiaries and Locations for SCIS

If you use OneWorld, ensure that Subsidiaries are set up in NetSuite.

Set up at least one location record for use with SCIS.

3 – Configure Settings

SCIS Settings

Upload logo image and application background.

Complete required tasks including the following:

  • Define discounts and saved searches available for SCIS.

  • Define printer settings

  • Define the void item and rounding item.

  • Define transaction forms and entry forms for SCIS.

  • Apply branding to your SCIS implementation by selecting your logo image, and background image for the main SCIS screen.

4 – Localize SCIS

Localizing SCIS

Ensure that you have configured country-specific features in NetSuite. For ore information, read Overview of Country-Specific Features.

Complete required settings for your locale. Including setting up multiple currencies and currency rounding.

5 – Set up Receipt Templates

Advanced Receipt Templates for SCIS

Make sure the latest SuiteCommerce InStore SuiteApp is installed. Also, make sure that the Advanced HTML/PDF Templates feature is enabled.

Set up receipts for printing and email.

6 – Configure Payments

Create Payment Methods and payment profiles in NetSuite.

Create payment profiles for SCIS, so you can start accepting payments. Configure payment methods you plan to support in SCIS, and cash denominations.

8– Set up Employees

Configuring Employee Records for SCIS

Enter or import employee records as needed.

Make sure Employee records are set up with the required permissions and roles.

9 – Add Customers

Customer Records and SCIS

Enter or import customer records as needed.

Configure customer groups and set up the form used for entering new customers in SCIS.

10 – Set up Items

Configuring Item Records for SCIS

Enter or import item records as needed.

Prepare for selling products with SCIS.

11 – Add Item Images

Configuring Item Images for SCIS

In the process of creating a website, you can choose an item identifier. You can also decide on the format you want to use for image file names.

Upload product image files to the file cabinet.

12 – Set up QuickAdd Keys

Configuring QuickAdd Keys

You can configure QuickAdd Keys to display quick-to-find items for any SCIS location.

Ensure your sales associates can easily find popular items.

Related Topics

General Notices