Auto-charge Credit Card

The Auto-charge Credit Card SuiteApp provides a script that enables you to automate the billing and credit card payment capture of sales orders.

With the Auto-charge Credit Card script, multiple transactions can be processed at one time. You can run the script immediately or set a schedule for when the script should run. There can be some time delay between fulfilment and billing, depending on the schedule that you set for the script to run.

The Auto-charge Credit Card script automates the following tasks:

When the script runs, a saved search looks for all sales orders that have a credit card payment method and are ready to be billed. The search result excludes sales orders that have billing schedules.

The script creates cash sale records for sales orders with Pending Billing status, and automatically captures the credit card payments. These include sales orders that are partially fulfilled.

If you use the manual process in NetSuite, each item fulfillment creates one cash sale. However, when you run the Auto-charge Credit Card script and the system finds multiple item fulfillments associated with one sales order, the system creates only one cash sale record that combines the multiple item fulfillments.

Because the script automatically confirms the credit card payments, errors can be encountered. For example, the credit card is invalid, or there is no CVV entered for the credit card. When such errors are found, the system creates the cash sale record and sends an email containing the error details. The errors are also recorded in the script’s execution log. The cash sale created by the script will have a status of Unapproved Payment. You can override the payment hold manually on the cash sale record to accept the credit card payment.

You can create multiple deployments of the Auto-charge Credit Card script. For example, if you want the script to run at different schedules for different subsidiaries, you can create a script deployment for each subsidiary. On the Parameters subtab, you select the subsidiary for which you want the script to run.

The volume of sales orders affects the processing time. You can use the optional fields on the Parameters subtab to narrow the search. If the parameter fields are blank, all sales orders to be billed will be processed.

The use of multiple deployments with different parameters can help address system performance problems that can be encountered when processing a large volume of sales orders. However, to ensure you do not miss any sales order, the general use that NetSuite recommends is to set up a deployment with broader parameters.

Read the following topics to create script deployments:

Auto-charge Credit Card SuiteApp Availability

Auto-charge Credit Card is a managed and shared SuiteApp that is automatically updated whenever enhancements or new features are added. A SuiteSuccess account is required to install Auto-charge Credit Card. To request access for the installation of this SuiteApp, contact your NetSuite account manager.

For instructions on installing Auto-charge Credit Card, see Installing the Auto-charge Credit Card SuiteApp.

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