Digital Signing

Digital signing authenticates messages or documents to make the identity of the sender or the validity of the document trusted. Some organizations require official digital certificates to sign documents, such as invoices. NetSuite can securely store digital certificates that your company has acquired, and you can use these certificates to digitally sign your documents. NetSuite also tracks expiration dates of the certificates and sends reminders of approaching expiration date.


You do not need to provide information for public certificates. NetSuite manages public certificates for key pairing.

When digital certificates are stored in NetSuite, developers can create customizations to digitally sign transactions, documents, or reports in XML or plain string format using SuiteScript 2.x. For example, with SuiteScript, you can create a search for transactions that need to be digitally signed with your company certificate before sending to the customer or vendor. Your script can iterate through the search results, convert each transaction to XML, add an encrypted digital signature to a portion of the XML, and send the transaction to its recipient.

Your private digital certificates are not stored in the File Cabinet but can be uploaded on the Digital Certificates page at Setup > Company > Preferences > Certificates. You can give the Certificate Management permission to other users to allow them to upload or access private certificates. For more information, see Uploading Digital Certificates and Access to Digital Certificates.

You can manage digital signing using three SuiteScript 2.x modules:

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