FAQ: File Drag and Drop SuiteApp

See the questions and answers below for information on the File Drag and Drop SuiteApp.

What happens if a user does not have access to the destination folder specified by the Administrator?

The upload will not be allowed. A message is shown informing the user to specify a destination folder

Can I still drop a file while there are pending uploads?


What are the supported browsers?

Firefox versions 20 and above; Chrome versions 26 and above.

What record types are supported?

Record types with the Files subtab are supported. If the Files subtab is removed from a custom form, the Dropzone will not be displayed.

Are custom records supported?

Yes. This includes dropping files to line items of editable sublists.

Are all sublists supported?

Only editable sublists with a Field ID are supported. You can verify if a sublist has a Field ID by using the record browser.

If a sublist is not supported, the color of the line item will not change when you try to drag a file over to the item. In addition, the Show Selected Line Item Files button is not displayed.

Can I enable File Drag and Drop for specific record types only?

Yes. You can do this by specifying the desired record types in the Enable File Drag and Drop on Record Types page. See Enabling File Drag and Drop on Selected Record Types for more information.

To enable support for selected record types only, a default destination folder must NOT be specified in the File Drag and Drop Preference page.

What if I specified both a default destination folder and enabled File Drag and Drop on selected record types?

File Drag and Drop will be enabled for ALL supported record types; however, the settings specified in the Enable File Drag and Drop on Record Types page will override the default destination folder.

If I change the destination folder while a file is uploading, in which folder will the file be uploaded?

The file will be uploaded to the destination folder specified at the time it was dropped.

If I cancel the upload of a file that already exists in the destination folder, what will happen to the existing file?

The existing file will not be deleted.

I dropped a file with a similar filename to one that is already uploading, which file will be saved?

The file uploaded last will be saved.

What else can I do on the page while an upload is in progress?

You can perform any action as long as it does not cause the page to reload. Saving your changes, for example, will reload the page. If you save the page, the pending upload will be cancelled.

If I drop a file, which is currently attached to record A, to a different record, will the file still be attached to record A?

Yes. The file will be attached to both records.

If I drop a file, which is currently attached to line item 1, to a different line item, will the file still be attached to line 1?

As of the latest version, a file can only be attached to one line item.

Can I attach a file to a line item that I am creating?

No. You can only attach files to saved or existing line items on a record page.

General Notices