SuiteCloud CLI for Java Guide

SuiteCloud Command Line Interface for Java (SuiteCloud CLI for Java) is a tool that can be used with your own integrated development environment (IDE) to develop SuiteCloud projects. You can also create batch and shell scripts that use CLI commands to automate SuiteCloud project validation and deployment processes. SuiteCloud CLI for Java is part of the SuiteCloud Software Development Kit (SuiteCloud SDK).


SuiteCloud CLI for Java is intended for experienced SDF users and users who are already familiar with SuiteCloud IDE plug-ins and extensions. You should use SuiteCloud IDE plug-ins and extensions to develop your first project and to learn more about SDF before trying SuiteCloud CLI for Java. For more information, see Getting Started with SuiteCloud Development Framework and SuiteCloud Development Framework Tutorial.

The following topics provide instructions to install and use SuiteCloud CLI for Java:

Related Topics

General Notices