Revenue Recognition Field Map Import

The revenue recognition field map import is available only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) feature is enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) Feature.

The Revenue Recognition Field Map import adds maps to the Revenue Recognition Field Mapping list.

Revenue Recognition Field Map Fields

To prepare revenue recognition field map CSV data for import, make sure that your CSV file includes the following fields and their associated values:

  • External ID – The unique identifier for the record. You can specify any value that has not been used as the External ID in previous CSV imports.

  • Source Record Type – The record type of the source field. You can enter one of the following values: Project revenue rule, Subscription line, or Transaction line. This is a required field.

  • Transaction Type – The transaction type of the source record type. This field should only be populated if the source record type is Transaction line, and you only want to apply the mapping to a specific transaction type.

  • Custom Form – The custom form for the transaction type you selected. This field should only be populated if you only want to apply the mapping to a specific custom form.

  • Source Field – The source field in the mapping. You can map the same source field to multiple target fields. This is a required field.

  • Target Field – The target field in the mapping. This is a required field.

  • Start Date – The date the field map record starts being applied.

  • End Date – The date the field map record stops being applied.

  • Automatically Update Target Field Value – Controls whether changes to the source fields are reflected in the target field after updating the related revenue arrangement.

  • Description – Contextualizes the field map.


The field names in your CSV file should correspond to the fields names on the Revenue Recognition Field Map page.

Revenue Recognition Field Map CSV File Example

The following table shows how you might structure a file for importing a revenue recognition field map. In this example, a Custom Date field is mapped to the Forecast End Date field on the revenue arrangement. The Source Field is a custom field named, Custom Date. This field was already created before executing the import.


The custom field name in your CSV file should correspond to the name of the custom field you created. If the custom field has (Body) or (Line) appended to it, make sure you include (Body) or (Line) next to the name in the CSV file.

The Custom Form field is null because no custom form was used in the mapping.

External ID

Source Record Type

Transaction Type

Custom Form

Source Field

Target Field

Start Date

End Date


Automatically Update Target Field Value


Transaction Line

Sales Order

Custom Date

Forecast End Date



This mapping created using CSV Import


Importing a Revenue Recognition Field Map CSV File

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records if you have the Import CSV File permission. Set the Import Type to Accounting and the Record Type to Revenue Recognition Field Map.

For more information about using the Import Assistant and importing CSV records, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

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