
New Features and Enhancements

  • New scheduled script deployment has been added NextService Scheduled : Upgrade customdeploy_nx_upgrade.

  • New NetSuite components have been added in preparation for upcoming development:

    • NextService Start Time custcol_nx_time_start

    • NextService End Time custcol_nx_time_end

    • Log Activity Time custevent_nx_time_log_activities

    • NextService Activity customrecord_nx_activity

    • NextService Activity Type customrecord_nx_activity_type

    • NextService Scheduled Time customdeploy_nx_time

Bug Fixes

  • IS01294: A problem was resolved that caused Recurring case instances to not link to the new project when the primary case is created with a new Project.

  • IS01293: A problem was resolved that caused an error when users submitted a Weekly Timesheet with an entry that has 08 or 09 minutes. This problem only occurs in accounts with the Quantity Pricing feature and Override Rates On Time Record preference enabled.

  • IS01286: A problem was resolved that caused changes to recurring tasks made from the Scheduler, or other non User Interface contexts, to revert on the next execution of the Recurrence scheduled script.

  • IS01283: A problem was resolved that caused an error when sourcing the asset Time Zone from Latitude and Longitude when the time zone is not a standard NetSuite time zone.

  • IS01305: A problem was resolved that caused Date Time and Time block inputs to invert AM/PM option labels when the app is viewed in North American time zones.

  • IS01301: A problem was resolved that caused Number blocks configured with a whole number step to not decrement below zero.

  • IS01303: A problem was resolved that caused Number block inputs to accept invalid non numeric characters.

  • IS01299: A problem was resolved that caused Table block cells to have large padding and render text on multiple lines.

  • IS01304: A problem was resolved that caused the Task and People filters on the Scheduler to not display filter options on mobile devices.

  • IS01302: A problem was resolved that caused tasks in the mobile agenda to not be sorted by their start date.

  • IS01298: A problem was resolved that caused the checked, data, and invoice resource icons to appear as black in the app.

  • IS01266: A problem was resolved that caused Select blocks configured with the remote search option to not display search options until the user changes another block value.

General Notices