
New Features and Enhancements

Google API Services

New configuration options have been added to disable Address search and Geolocation and Time Zone geocoding features. All of these features are enabled by default:

  • address.autocomplete- Use auto complete address search on Asset record.

  • geolocation.geocodeaddress - Source latitude and longitude from address on Asset, Task, and Project Task records.

  • timezone.decodegeolocation - Source time zone from latitude and longitude on Asset records.

These Address, Geolocation, Time Zone features, as well as the mapping features on the Scheduler and Mobile, will now be disabled when no Google API key has been provided.

Other Changes

The NextService Idempotency field custrecord_nx_idempotency_body has been renamed to custrecord_nx_idempotency_value.

Bug Fixes

  • IS01241: A problem was resolved that caused the Recurrence scheduled script to fail when NextService Propagate Changes checkbox is checked on a non-recurring task.

  • IS00974: A problem was resolved that caused the Customer field to be changed when an asset is selected and the customer is not the asset’s primary customer.

  • IS01260: A problem was resolved that caused all record notifications to not be sent.

General Notices