
New Features and Enhancements


  • A new field has been added to the NextService Recurrence record called custrecord_nx_recurrence_completed.

  • A change has been made to the alert that shows when making changes to a recurring task or case to make it easier to identify if the change being made is for the current instance, or all instances moving forward.

Bug Fixes

  • IS01179: An issue has been resolved where changes being made to certain fields on a recurring case were not updating to future instances.

  • IS00821: An issue has been resolved where some unassigned tasks outside of the schedulers timezone were not displaying in the unassigned panel on the schedule board.

  • IS01181: A behavioral issue has been addressed on the mobile app where entering decimal values were not working as expected. Previously, anything entered after the decimal point was not transition to the decimal input. This issue has been resolved and is now working as expected.

  • IS01217: A performance issue was resolved on the app that caused input lag when entering values into Text or Text Area blocks.

General Notices