
New Features and Enhancements

  • A new idempotencyField and idempotencyKey configuration option has been added to Mobile resources. These options are used by the Idempotency feature to help identify existing records and ensure duplicate records are not created if a process must be reattempted, such as when syncing the app with an unstable internet connection.

  • A new NextService Idempotency Key field has been added to all current records that are created by script. The idempotencyField option on all Mobile resources have been defaulted to these corresponding fields:

    • custbody_nx_idempotency_key

    • custcol_nx_idempotency_key

    • custevent_nx_idempotency_key

    • custentity_nx_idempotency_key

    • custrecord_nx_note_idempotency_key

    • custrecord_nx_asset_idempotency_key

    • custrecord_nx_consumable_idempotency_key

  • A new NextService Idempotency custom record with script id customrecord_nx_idempotency has been added to the bundle. The Idempotency feature uses this record to track unique POST requests from the app and help ensure duplicate requests are not reprocessed, such as when syncing the app with an unstable internet connection.

  • A new NextService Scheduled : Idempotency scheduled script deployment with script id customdeploy_nx_idempotency has been added to the bundle. When run, this deployment deletes expired Idempotency records. This script deployment is currently Not Scheduled.

Bug Fixes

  • IS01106: A problem was resolved for Project Programs that used the shift option. Cases created in these Programs were offset by the previous Case Date Closed field rather than their End Date field. The Date Closed field is not an editable field and would always be set to the current session date at the time the Case was Closed. These cases are now correctly offset by the editable End Date field.

  • IS00880: A problem was resolved that caused the Scheduler to error when launched with custom resources configured. If the resource did not have the optional mobile property defined, a runtime error would occur and users would see an error instead of the Scheduler. This has been fixed and the mobile property is now correctly optional when defining resources.

  • IS00191: A problem was resolved that caused Inactive projects to appear as selectable options in the Active Project field on the Mobile and NetSuite Case forms. The searches that populate this field have been changed to exclude inactive projects and users will no longer see them as selectable options.

  • IS01087: A problem with the New Project UI has been resolved that caused Signature Pads fields to error when loading and Select fields to not have any options. While these problems currently were limited to the Project Task record, they have been fixed to ensure new records NetSuite applies the New Project UI to are not affected.

  • IS00996: A problem that caused the Service Report preview to not load has been resolved. While Service Reports load as expected most of the time, this fix ensures an edge case around page loading is handled.

  • IS00777: A problem was resolved that caused Item Fulfillments with drop shipped Serialised Asset items to throw an error when loaded in Edit mode. When creating these Item Fulfillments, the Serial numbers for the drop shipped Asset line items would also not be sourced to the Create/Update Assets sublist and would need to be entered manually. This problem has been resolved and users can now safely edit these Item Fulfillments. Serial numbers for drop shipped Asset line items now correctly source automatically to the Create/Update Assets sublist.

General Notices