Automatch Settings in WFM

Using automatch can save you time when doing shift approvals.

Here you can configure the conditions WFM will use to auto-approve timesheet shifts to scheduled shifts. To access the settings, go to Shifts > Weekly > Automatch.

Settings can be configured for Shift start & finish time, break length, punches with/without notes and approved visual verification (if enabled and using our SuitePeople Time Clock (previously AdiClock) app on an Android/iPad tablet).

If you are unsure of what combination of settings to use, read the below explanations to help make informed decisions on what your business would like to set up. After each setting change you can run the automatch from the Weekly view on your desired shifts without refreshing to test them out - no need to refresh the page as it will pick up the updated settings.

Note: if you're still configuring automatch, you run un-approve shifts, make changes to Automatch, and then run auto-match on the same set of shifts until you are happy with your configuration. Make sure you are not testing/running this on real data, however if you are ensure any users with approval rights at that location are aware so that employees do not have shifts approved incorrectly.

Only options that have been checked will be enabled (even if there is a value in the field)

AutoMatch options

Default Grace Period - This allows you to specify the default value for all below parameters. You can override this on each setting below.

Round actual shifts to a multiple of - This setting specifies the rounding to a multiple of minutes. Times will round to the closest multiple. For example: If the amount is set to 15 minutes, and someone with a shift start at 9am punches in at 9:08am - the approved shift start will round to 9:15am. However if they punched in at 9:07am their approved shift will be rounded to 9am.


Length is within - This allows you to enter a time in minutes where the total length of the shift is able to vary from the scheduled shift.

Start is less or equal before scheduled - This allows you to enter the minutes an shift can start before the start time of the scheduled shift. There is an option to also round the time to the scheduled start time.

Start is less or equal after scheduled - This allows you to enter the minutes an shift can start after the start time of the scheduled shift. There is an option to also round the time to the scheduled start time.

Finish is less or equal before scheduled - This allows you to enter the minutes an shift can finish before the end time of the scheduled shift. There is an option to also round the time to the scheduled finished time.

Finish is less or equal after scheduled - This allows you to enter the minutes an shift can finish after the end time of the scheduled shift. There is an option to also round the time to the scheduled finished time.


You can use one, or a combination of, these settings to ensure employees are taking their breaks as expected.

Punch Event Settings

General Notices