Displaying Messages in Dynamic Text Elements

In standard mobile processes, Dynamic Text elements display packing instructions, warnings, and other additional details. You can set up messages for a Dynamic Text element within a custom mobile process through Mobile Customization. NetSuite WMS provides the following fields in which you can set up static or dynamic messages: Message, On Load Action, or On Click Action.

For guidelines about using these fields, see the following topics:

Setting Up the Message Field

Static or dynamic messages that you set up in the Message field display in the Dynamic Text element. You can set up messages in the following ways:


SCM Mobile does not support nested dynamic messages.

  • Enter the text or message that you want to appear in the page element.

    Example: Item Packing Instructions

  • To include a data source, enter either or both the path to a field of a record or to a key of a state.

    Record Example: More Order Details:{{record:purchaseorder:{{constant:1}}-memo}}

    State Example: {{state:dataRecord:scriptParams:packInstAsStr}}

  • To specify a style for your message, enter HTML tags along with your static or dynamic message.

    Example 1: <b>Warning</b><div> Voiding of return label {{state:dataRecord:scriptParams:returnlabelId}} cannot be undone. </div>

    Example 2: <span style="color: #a24343;">* Instructions for {{state:dataRecord:scriptParams:fetcheditemname}} : <b>{{record:purchaseorder:{{state:dataRecord:auxParams:selectPOFromList_poListTbl:internalid}},item:line:{{state:dataRecord:scriptParams:lineno}}-custcol_po_col_item_instruction}} </b></span>

Retrieving Messages Through Mobile Actions

In the On Load Action or On Click Action fields, you can assign a RESTlet or Show Message type of mobile action. To set up either of these actions, refer to the following guidelines:

  • RESTlet type – You can assign a default RESTlet used in the standard On Load Action or On Click Action. You can also create your custom RESTlet and assign its script ID and deployment ID to your mobile action.

  • Show Message type – This type of mobile action includes a Message field for text that you want to appear on a popup window. You can enter a message that displays during an on load or on click action. To set up this field, see Setting Up the Message Field.

Displaying Dynamic Text Through Toggles

ou can add a toggle to control when to display the label and message of a Dynamic Text page element on the mobile app. You can hide dynamic text that provide optional data to help improve the page load and show it as needed.

To set up toggles, you can select values in the following fields:

  • Toggle State – Select one of the following toggle states that you want to set as the default: Show or Hide.

    The appropriate toggle icon for the state appears on the mobile page. If you do not specify a state, the toggle appears in the default Hide state and its icon.

  • Toggle Label – Select or create a label that shows on the mobile page for the toggle.

    The label appears to the right of the toggle icon.

Toggles have a standard icon each for the show or hide action. When you set at least one of these toggle fields, you display the toggle icon on the mobile page.

For Dynamic Text elements, note the following if you set up the message through the On Load Action:

  • The app does not load Dynamic Text data if you set the Toggle State to Hide.

  • To implement loading of data for a Hide default toggle state, you can check the Include Hidden Element in Load Events box.

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