Belgium Fiche Report

The Belgium Localization SuiteApp provides the Fiche 281.50 form. The 281.50 form, which is submitted annually, is for reporting commissions, broker and other fees, rebates, vacations, rewards, bonuses, and in-kind benefits.

Entity Information Requirements in the Fiche Report

For information about the requirements in the information that is reported in the Fiche 281.50 form, see the following topics:

Fiche Reporting in the Belgium Localization SuiteApp

The Fiche 281.50 form reports transactions associated with your Belgium subsidiary that are posted to accounts of certain expense types. For more information, see Transactions Included in the Fiche Report.

For information about Fiche 281.50 reporting in the Belgium Localization SuiteApp, see the following help topics:

Prerequisite SuiteApp for Fiche Reporting

The Fiche 281.50 report can be generated with or without the SuiteTax feature.

The Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp must be installed in your NetSuite account to generate the Fiche 281.50 report. For more information, see Installing Tax Reporting Framework.


If you are using a NetSuite account without SuiteTax and you installed the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp to generate the Fiche report, you may not be able to find the Belgium nexus on the Country Tax Reports page, where you can generate the report. You can resolve this issue by reinstalling the Belgium Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Resolving Issues with Generating the Belgium Fiche Report in NetSuite Accounts without SuiteTax.

For information about generating the Fiche report, see Generating the Belgium Tax Reports.

General Notices