Virtual Variations in NetSuite Connector

The leading practice for item variations in NetSuite is by using matrix items. If you do not want to set up matrix items in NetSuite, you can use virtual variation to set up the parent-child relationship in NetSuite Connector.

For example, if your items' parent-child relationships are already set up in the storefront, use virtual variations to avoid setting up the parent-child relationships again in NetSuite.

When using virtual variations, ensure the following:

Creating Custom Parent Field

The custom field for a parent must be a list field that points to the parent item.

To create a custom parent field:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Item Fields > New.

  2. In the Label field, enter a name or description about the field. For example, you can use Parent Item.

  3. In the ID field, enter a unique alphanumeric ID for the field.


    Take note of this field ID. You need to enter this ID in NetSuite Connector.

  4. In the Type field, select List/Record.

  5. Select Item in the List/Record that is displayed. Doing so makes the field a searchable item reference field that will list on all your items.

  6. Click the Applies To subtab and select all the item types you want to use this field for.

  7. Click Save.

  8. On each child item record, select the parent item in the custom field you created.


    You can create a parent item as a normal inventory item, from Lists > Accounting > Items > New. In the Item Type field, select Inventory Item. Then, complete the relevant fields you want for the item and save the record.

Configuring Virtual Variations

When configuring virtual variations, you assign the created custom parent field to be added to child items. You can choose if you want to use the created custom parent field for the storefront and account, for all storefronts, or for all accounts.

To configure virtual variations:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select a connector and then select the relevant account.

  3. Go to Settings > Products.

  4. Enter the field ID of the parent variation item in NetSuite Parent Field ID.


    When entering a field ID, make sure you use the full path to the field. For example, if the field was cusitem_farapp_parent, enter customFieldList.customField.custitem_farapp_parent.

  5. You can use the boxes to define where the setting is applied.

    • Apply to all storefronts – Check this box if you want to use the field ID for all your storefronts.

    • Apply to all accounts – Check this box if you want to use the field ID for all the accounts in your current storefront.

  6. Click Save.

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