Creating Cost Variance Analysis

The Cost Variance Analysis SuiteApp calculates the cost variances of work orders based on the selection criteria in the Filters section. You can view the cost variances of each work order in the Work Order Summary section. This calculation is based on the difference between the planned values for the work order and the actual values recorded against the work order.

To create a cost variance analysis:


Following points are applicable to the Cost Variance Analysis page in the SuiteApp.

  • To generate a cost variance analysis report, you can either:

    • Provide a work order number in the Work Order field to view the detailed cost variance analysis of the work order.

    • Select an assembly item in the Item field to view the list of work orders.

  • After you have selected the work order, the Item and Location fields will be grayed out. The item and location specified become defaulted in the work order.

  • The work orders in the Work Order Summary section are sorted in descending order of the work order created date.

  1. Go to Reports > Cost Accounting > Cost Variance Analysis.

  2. From the Item list, select the assembly item for which you want the cost variance analysis.

  3. (Optional) From the Location list, select a location to view data for that location.

  4. From the From list, select a date to define the beginning of the date range.

  5. From the To list, select a date to define the end of the date range.


    Following points are applicable to the To field:

    • The from and to date range filters the work orders based on the actual production start date.

    • The period between the from and to date should not be more than a year.

  6. From the Work Order list, select a work order for which you want to see the detailed cost variance analysis.


    Following points are applicable to the Work Order list:

    • The field value in the Work Order list is displayed in WorkOrderNumber_ActualProductionStartDate format.

    • The work order must have an actual production start date.

  7. Click Submit.

    You can view the Work Orders Summary section after the process is complete.

  8. (Optional) To download the report, click Download.


    Following points are applicable to the downloaded file in the SuiteApp:

    • The downloaded file has the file name in the format ItemName_LocationName_FromDate_ToDate_timestamp.xls.

    • Unsupported characters (\, /,:, *,?, ", <, >, |, %) will be converted to underscore (_) in the file name.

    • A scheduled script runs one time every week to delete the generated cost variance report files from the file cabinet.

  9. (Optional) To email the report:

    1. Click the Email button.

      A new browser tab opens.

    2. In the Email Recipients field, enter the email addresses. By default, the field contains the email address of the logged-in user.


      Following points are applicable to the email option in the SuiteApp:

      • The email addresses in the Email Recipients field must be separated by commas.

      • You can add up to 10 email recipients in the Email Recipients field.

      • You cannot email the Cost Variance Analysis report if the file size is more than 10 MB. So, you can download the report and email it instead.

    3. Click Submit.

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