Component Subtab

The Component subtab displays variances for a work order by component. The component item name displays even if zero quantity is issued or used.

Check the Only Display Variance box to only display the rows with variance.

The following table provides details about the columns in the Component subtab.




Operation sequence in the manufacturing routing associated with the work order.


Item name of the component.

Display Name

Alias name for the item.

Planned Cost

Planned cost for completing the work order.

Actual Cost

Actual cost for completing the work order.

Cost Variance

Cost difference between actual cost and planned cost of the work order.

Cost Variance (%)

Percentage of cost variance per planned cost of the work order.

Planned Quantity

Quantity to be built for the work order.

Actual Quantity

Built quantity of the work order.

Quantity Variance

Quantity difference between planned cost and actual cost of the work order.

Quantity Variance (%)

Percentage of the quantity variance per planned cost of the work order.

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