Modelo 303


To extend the implementation of the Modelo 303 report, you must implement a JavaScript source file named Modelo303CustomLogic.js. The file must have the following JavaScript structure:

For the extension to work, you must implement the getCustomFields function. It receives context information as an input parameter and returns the information about the content to be inserted in the report.

Input Parameter

The context parameter has the following structure:

Output Parameter

The getCustomFields function must return an array of elements. Each represents a text value that must be inserted in a specific position in the document. Each of these elements must have the following structure:

The fields are inserted in the report in one of the following ways:

  • They are inserted in a section of the report that is not yet covered by the current implementation.

  • They overwrite a field in a section of the report that is already covered by the current implementation. In this case, the length of the provided value must match the length of the field, as prescribed by the Spanish Tax Administration Agency.


General Notices