Modelo 349


To extend the implementation of the Modelo 349 report, you must implement a JavaScript source file named Modelo349CustomLogic.js. The file must have the following JavaScript structure:

For the extension to work, you must implement the getCustomFields and getCustomOperators functions. They receive context information as an input parameter and return the information about the content to be inserted in the report.

Input Parameter

Both functions receive the same input parameter as in the case of Modelo 303 customizations.

For more information, see Modelo 303 Input Parameter.

Output Parameter

For the getCustomFields function, see Modelo 303 Output Parameter.

The getCustomOperators function must return an array of elements. Each represents an operator and must have the following structure:

If the customization does not override the Operators list, the getCustomOperators method must return null. If the method returns an empty list, the Operators list in the report will be empty.


General Notices