Verifying the Custom Form of Work Instructions Subtab

The WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form custom entry form and the WOIT_CS_WorkInstructions_main.js script must be connected to ensure that the Work Instructions subtab functions properly.

To verify the custom form of Work Instructions subtab:

Enabling Work Instructions Subtab in Custom Entry Forms

Work Instructions subtab is a custom record in the custom routing form (WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form). This form is selected by default as preferred during the SuiteApp Installation.


You must enable the WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form as a preferred form to ensure that the Work Instructions subtab works well.

To enable work instructions subtab:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.

  2. In the Custom Entry Forms page, search WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form.

  3. Enable the Preferred column box.

Attaching a Script in WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form

When you edit a manufacturing routing record, the Sequence No column in the Work Instructions subtab must be autopopulated during the time that you enter a new line. If not, follow the below procedure to re-attach the script to WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form custom entry form.

To attach a script in WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form:

You can now go to any manufacturing routing record and verify if the sequence number is autopopulated in the Work Instructions subtab.

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.

  2. Click Edit on the WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form custom entry form.

  3. In the Custom Code subtab, select the empty value in the Script File list.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Edit the WOIT Manufacturing Routing Form custom entry form again (follow steps 1 and 2), and select WOIT_CS_WorkInstructions_main.js in Script File list.

  6. Click Save.

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