Edit a Job

To edit a job you will need to go to Setup > Jobs and then select the job you want to change.

Edit a job

you have chosen the job you want to edit, you will be directed toward the basic details of the job, this is the "Name", "Code", "Color" and "Description"

Editing a job

The next section you can edit is the "advanced" section, which gives you the option to include any hours cost with this job into the KPIs. An example of this is if you have a job for "Offsite Training" and do not want the hours included in KPIs as they are not relevant to the productivity of the employees store, but you do want the cost included in the labour cost percentage because you still need to pay them.

Editing a job

The final section of a job you can edit is which locations you would have this job included with. If you want to do a couple of stores hold down the CTRL button (Windows) or the COMMAND button (MAC), and then hit the small blue arrow.

Editing a job

When you are happy with how the job has turned out you can then hit "save" to finish.

General Notices