Minimum hours

If you operate under legislation or agreement where employees need to be paid for a minimum length of time per shift (even if they don't work) you can set this top-up to occur.

For example, employees have a minimum shift length of 3 hours, but an employee is scheduled for only 2 hours but must be paid for 3 hours.

Minimum hours

As you can see above, the employee worked 2 hours but is paid for 3 (3hrs Regular in grey).

To set this up, click on the wage agreement this applies to (head to Setup > Wage > Agreements and select the agreement. If you don't see this, someone with payroll access will need to do this).

In the agreement, click Minimum hours:


Select Add Minimum Hours

Select the employment type this occurs for, what type of day this happens for (on a Regular day which includes weekends, or for a Public Holiday)

And type in the minimum shift length that employees should work and be paid for:


And press save.

You can repeat this process if it occurs for different employment types - you'll see this on the Minimum shift tab:

Minimum shift

Notice the yellow warning at the top - if employees aren't scheduled for this minimum shift length during the week, a validation warning will appear when trying to publish the schedule

Note: If an employee does not work during the week, then they are not counted. WFM counts only shifts that are less than the minimum time specified.

However you can click Prevent publish if you'd prefer to prevent schedules from being published until this is changed. This will not allow users to publish the schedule until they address the minimum hours and extend the shifts in question:

You can change this setting at any time.

When you create a scheduled shift for less than the minimum and try and add an employee that will trigger this - a blue status message will appear:


This will appear anywhere you try and create a shift, including on the Daily, Weekly, and re-assigning employees shifts.

This arrow will appear on any shifts that don't meet the minimum:


This includes the Daily scheduling view & multi-location.

This arrow will also appear on Actual shifts - if employees do end up working less than the shift minimum this will calculate on these Actual shifts & appear in payroll reporting.

Clicking on any shift with the top-up icon will show this top-up:

Pop up

General Notices