Calculating Available to Build on Sales Order

The ATB details for assembly items and kits is displayed on the Sales Order page. You can calculate ATB for an assembly item or kit at top level or all levels. In the Sales Order page, under Item subtab, select the items for which you want to calculate ATB value.


The Calculate Available to Build option is available only for assembly items and kit items. For other items, the Calculate Available to Build option is disabled.

To calculate available to build for an assembly item or kit item:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. In the Custom Form field, select a sales order form.

  3. In the Customer field, select a customer.

  4. Select the location from one of the following places:

    • In the Classification section, from the Location list, select the location by which you want to classify the sales order.

    • In the Items subtab, select the location from either the Inventory Location list or the line level Location list.


      The SuiteApp considers any one of the locations from following fields:

      • The location provided in the Inventory Location field under Items subtab. If Inventory Location is empty, the SuiteApp uses the sales order line level location added in the Location field under the Items subtab as an input.

      • If the Location field is missing in the sales order form, then the SuiteApp uses the default sales order location added in the Order Management page.

    If the location is missing in above fields, an error message appears asking you to select a location.

  5. In the Items subtab, add assembly or kit items to calculate the ATB value.

  6. In the Calculate Available to Build field, select Top level or All level to trigger available to build value for that level. This calculates the on-hand inventory quantity available for the selected item as per the BOM and generates the available to build details.

    • The following details are displayed as part of available to build results for an assembly item:

      • Item

      • Available to Build Level

      • Location

      • Available to Build

      • On-Hand

      • Available

      • Work Order Quantity

      • Units

    • The following details are displayed as part of available to build results for a kit item:

      • Item

      • Available to Build Level

      • Location

      • Available to Build

  7. Enter other necessary details in the sublist and click Add.

    The Calculate Available to Build option is displayed in the Items subtab only when you select an assembly or kit item from the item list. In the Items > Available to Build subtab, you can view the history of items for which ATB is calculated for that single instance.

  8. Enter additional information as necessary to complete the sales order entry.

  9. Click Save.

    In View mode, the Calculate Available to Build option is not displayed on the sales order.

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