Generating Asset Reports

The fixed asset reporting tool uses the Advanced PDF format. This enables you to print the report or to view and download it in CSV (for Depreciation Schedule Report), PDF, or XML format. To generate the fixed asset reports, you must enable the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature from Setup > Company > Enable Features > SuiteCloud.

Asset reports that you generated can also be exported to an Excel file. For more information, see Exporting Asset Reports to an Excel File.


Fixed Assets Management does not currently support Depreciation Schedule Reports for assets with negative costs. For more information, see Fixed Assets Report Preferences.


You need to update depreciation history records for asset transfers with a ‘Sale or Disposal’ transaction type and a blank asset disposal type. The transaction type must be set to ‘Acquisition’ and the transaction amount must be set to a negative value. On fixed asset reports, asset transfers will be shown as an Acquisition with a negative value.

To generate fixed asset reports:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Reports > Generate Reports.

  2. Provide values for the following fields:

    • Report Type — Select the type of report you want to generate.

      • Asset Register — This report lists cost, accumulated depreciation, and net book value for each asset between the periods selected.


        For Fixed Assets Management version 4.01.2 and later, two types of depreciation history records (DHR) will be generated for disposals— a ‘Sale’ DHR for assets disposed by sale, and a ‘Disposal’ DHR for assets disposed by write-off. On the Asset Register saved search, columns for SALE and DISP will be added.

      • Asset Summary — This report lists cost or valuation, depreciation, and net book value totals for the selected asset types and specified period.

      • Depreciation Schedule Net Book Value — This report shows the current value of each asset for the period.

      • Depreciation Schedule Period Depreciation — This report shows the total depreciation of each asset for the period.


        To view forecast amounts for depreciation, you can generate an asset depreciation schedule report for future periods.

      • Depreciation Monthly Report — Shows the depreciation expense for the period by asset, the asset records, and journal entries.

      • Asset Listing Report — Shows the total acquisition or production costs, additions, disposals, transfers, and write-ups for the fiscal year. This report is targeted for German accounts and subsidiaries, and available to users with Austria and Switzerland accounts.

      • Schedule 16 (1) - This report shows assets, leased assets, disposed and fully depreciated assets that use the Japan straight line depreciation method.

      • Schedule 16 (2) - This report shows assets, leased assets, disposed and fully depreciated assets that use the Japan 200% declining balance and Japan 250% declining balance depreciation method.

      • Schedule 16 (4) — This report includes all leased assets, disposed and fully depreciated assets that use the standard Straight Line depreciation method.

    • Show Components in Reports — Check this box if you want to view only the components on the report. Otherwise, clear this box to view only the parent compound asset on the report.


      This option is available only when you are generating an Asset Register Report or Asset Listing Report.

    • Save Report as CSV — Check this box to save the generated report as a CSV file. When the setting is enabled, no XML or PDF output will be available.


      This option is available only when you are generating a Depreciation Schedule Report or Depreciation Monthly Report.

    • Start Date — Enter or select a start date for the report period you want to generate.

    • End Date — Enter or select an end date for the report period you want to generate.

    • Assets to Include — Select which of the following assets to include in the report: All Assets, All Assets Except Leased, or Leased Only.


      If you selected Depreciation Monthly report, this field will be set to All Assets.

    • Alternate Depreciation — Select the depreciation method.


      If you select Accounting Method, the Accounting Book filter will be set to Primary Accounting Book, and Books to Include will be set to GL Posting. This is true for all reports, except the Depreciation Monthly report.

    • Asset Types — Select one or more asset types to categorize assets in the report. Default values are assigned to most of the asset configuration based on the asset type.


      If no asset type is selected, the report also includes inactive asset types.

    • Subsidiary — Select the subsidiary or subsidiaries for which you want to generate a report.

      This field is available only to OneWorld accounts.

    • Include Children — Check this box to include assets of the child subsidiaries in the report.

    • Accounting Books — Select the accounting book or books for which you want to generate a report.


      This field is available only if the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled in your account.

      Selecting None will generate a report that contains the following information:

      • All depreciation history records for accounting methods and tax methods that were created before the Multi-Book feature was enabled.

      • Tax methods that are not associated to an accounting book.

    • Books to Include — Select whether to include GL Posting, Non GL Posting, or Both books in the report.


      If you select Depreciation Monthly Report, this option will be set to GL Posting.

    • Departments — Select a department if you want the report to only include assets associated with a specific department.

      This field is available only if the Departments feature is enabled in your account.

    • Class — Select a class if you want the report to only include assets associated with a specific class.

      This field is available only if the Classes feature is enabled in your account.

    • Location — Select a location if you want the report to only include assets associated with a specific location.

      This field is available only if the Locations feature is enabled in your account.

  3. Click Generate.

    You will be redirected to the Process Status page, where you can see the progress of the report. From My Reports page (Fixed Assets > Reports > My Reports), you can view the generated report as PDF or XML. When viewing the report as XML, make sure you open the report using an application that can properly display XML files.

    The My Reports page will not show failed reports.


    The following will not be included in the report: (1) manually created assets without depreciation history records and (2) assets disposed before or after the report period.

To view a list of reports that you generated for the past 30 days, see Viewing Fixed Asset Reports.

Exporting Asset Reports to an Excel File

To export asset reports:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Reports > My Reports.

  2. Right click the XML link for the report that you want to export to Excel, and then save it to your computer.

  3. Locate the downloaded XML report on your computer, and then open it using Excel.


    You can configure some Web browsers to use Excel as the default program to open an XML file.

General Notices