
There are several different reports that may be used to gather data about how the Contract Hours features have been used.

Agreed Contract Hours Report

This report shows, for a given date, exactly what Contract Hours objects are in operation.

It shows a line for each employee, on each weekday that have any Contract Hours. It does not show days for which they do not have Contract Hours and does not show employees who do not have any Contract Hours.

Contract Hours Variations Reports

There are reports for each type of Variation: Pending, Agreed, Declined and Superseded.

All variations matching the selected type that are on any of the days of the report will be shown, showing both the varied hours and the original agreed Contract Hours on that day.

Changed Contract Hours Report

Rather than showing the data that affects a given date or date range, this report instead shows all the agreements to Contract hours changes that were made during a given period. Thus, if manager requests an employee change their agreed contract hours effective July 4th, but this is agreed to on June 22nd, then this report will use that date to collect data

This report shows a line per agreed change, with a sub-line for each weekday within that period.

The CSV version of this report provides a structured breakdown of the agreed changes (each field is provided, rather than just a textual representation).

Pending Contract Hours Changes Report

This report shows all Pending Contract Hours Changes at the company that affect the given date range (which defaults to today onwards).

It is possible to also view expired changes (those that were not agreed to or declined before they came into effect).

Pending Contract Hours Variations Report

This report shows all currently Pending Variations. It does not allow selecting a date range, as only variations from today onwards are deemed to be "Pending".

This report shows a single line for each variation, with both the varied and original contract hours visible.

General Notices