Scheduling colors reference sheet

Shift colors

If you have colored the daily or weekly scheduling views by ‘Availability’, you’ll notice 4 different colors shifts can be.

You can enable this option by clicking ‘Options’ and selecting ‘Availability’ from the ‘Shift color’ option



Green shifts mean the shift is within the employee’s availability, and there are no issues found with the shift.


Red usually means the shift is outside of the employee’s availability.

It can also mean another issue with the shift - either the employee is on leave, the shift takes them above their “maximum hours”, there is a clash with another shift they’re working - such as scheduled elsewhere at the same time, or they are no longer employed.


Orange indicates something that may need your attention - they might be scheduled to work a split shift, have another shift on that day but at another location, or the shift is outside of their Contract Hours and has not yet been agreed to


Blue shifts let you know the employee has hit their weekly ‘Target hours’

Shift Icons

You may notice some status icons which appear on some shifts. They are:


Indicates overtime will apply to this shift


Indicates this shift is less than the employee’s ‘minimum hours’ and will be paid a top-up


Indicates this shift is outside of the employee’s contract hours.

General Notices