Creating a Project Cost Percent Complete Rule

Create a new project cost-to-cost percent complete rule from the Project Cost Percent Complete Rule page:

To create a Project Cost Percent Complete rule:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Project Cost Percent Complete > New.

  2. Enter a unique Name of the rule.

  3. (Optional) Check the Default box to mark the rule as default for the project's cost-to-cost percent complete rule.


    If there is an existing default rule, checking the Default box will replace the default rule with this rule.

  4. From the Budget Basis list, select the method to retrieve the cost budget of the project. You can select either Estimate at Completion (EAC), Pre-defined Value from Project, or Custom Criteria.

    Budget Basis

    Required Features

    Budget Calculation Basis

    Estimate at Completion (EAC)

    Enable the Advanced Project Budgets feature in Setup > Company > Enable Features > Company > Projects

    Calculated using the Total Sum row in the Budgeted Cost column in the Budget subtab in Lists > Relationship > Projects.

    Pre-defined Value from Project

    Calculated using the summation of Labor Cost Budget and Non Labor Cost Budget fields in the Financial subtab in Lists > Relationship > Projects.

    Custom Criteria

    Enable the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature in Setup > Company > Enable Features > Analytics > SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

    Calculated using the selected a value either in the Labor Budget list, Non Labor Budget list, or Additional Cost Budget Dataset list.


    In case an incorrect option is selected in any of these lists, an error message is displayed. An option is incorrect when it does not meet the alias requirements. The Percent Complete Project, Percent Complete Date, and Percent Complete Amount aliases should be present. You should map the aliases to the project type, date type, and amount type dataset columns, respectively. For more information, see Creating and Updating a Project Cost Percent Complete Dataset.

  5. From the Actual Cost Basis list, select the method to retrieve the actual cost of the project. You can select either Project Profitability, or Custom Criteria.

    Actual Cost Basis

    Required Features

    Actual Cost Calculation Basis

    Project Profitability

    Enable the Advanced Project Profitability feature in Setup > Company > Enable Features > Company > Projects

    Calculated using the P&L subtab in Lists > Relationship > Projects.


    Name of the Actual Cost column should always contain the language specific label in the Project Profitability configuration in Setup > Accounting > Project Profitability. For more information, see Language Specific Actual Cost Label.

    Custom Criteria

    Enable the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature in Setup > Company > Enable Features > Analytics > SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

    Calculated using the selected a value either in the Actual Labor Cost list, Actual Non Labor Cost list, or Additional Actual Cost Dataset list.


    In case an incorrect option is selected in any of these lists, an error message is displayed. An option is incorrect when it does not meet the alias requirements. The Percent Complete Project, Percent Complete Date, and Percent Complete Amount aliases should be present. You should map the aliases to the project type, date type, and amount type dataset columns, respectively. For more information, see Creating and Updating a Project Cost Percent Complete Dataset.

  6. Click Save.


On the Project Cost Percent Complete Rule page, go to Customize > Customize Form > Fields to customize the visible and hidden fields.

Apart from the labor and non labor datasets, you can also use additional datasets. The Additional Cost Budget Dataset and Additional Actual Cost Dataset fields are hidden by default and can be added to use additional datasets.


The Default Project Cost Percent Complete Rule is shipped by default and contains the default datasets in Cost Budget and Actual Cost:

  • Project Percent Complete Actual Labor

  • Project Percent Complete Actual Non Labor

  • Project Percent Complete Budget Labor

  • Project Percent Complete Budget Non Labor

General Notices