Work Order Import

Work order transactions track the production of assembly items needed for stock or to fill orders. Work orders track the quantities of assemblies that need to be built and the quantities of components, or member items needed.


Work Order Import is available only when the Work Order and Advanced BOM feature is enabled.

For more details about Work Orders in NetSuite, see Assembly Work Orders.

To upload a work order CSV file:

  1. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

  2. On the Scan & Upload CSV File page, from the Import Type list, select Transactions.

  3. From the Record Type list, select Work Order.

    To learn how to complete the Import Assistant, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

For details about fields that can be mapped in the work order record, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s Work Order reference page. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

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