Cache Invalidation Request

You can trigger a cache invalidation request for more than one domain at the same time. You can also choose to invalidate the cache for the whole domain or for specified URLs.

Clearing Cache for the Whole Domain — As you develop your Commerce web store, you may have to redeploy SSP applications. To see changes to the content delivered from the file cabinet, script files, CMS, and Item Search API request output, use the Clear Cache for the Whole Domain option.

You can also choose this option if you have made multiple changes and you do not recall all URLs.

Clearing Cache for Specified URLs — Most of the content is cached in the SSP and SuiteScript method calls. To target specific SSP or SuiteScript files that contain the definition of the content you want to clear from the cache, use the Clear Cache for Specified URLs option.

For example, suppose you have a banner on your website that you plan to change frequently. Every time you want to update this banner, submit a cache invalidation request using the URL of the SSP file (/ that includes the definition for this banner on your website.

To create a new cache invalidation request:

  1. Go to Commerce > Content Management > Cache Invalidation Requests > New.

    The Cache Invalidation Request page is displayed.


    You can also create a new Cache Invalidation Request by clicking New Invalidation Request on the Cache Invalidation Status page.

  2. From the Available Domains list, select one or more domains to perform cache invalidation for. Note that must select at least one domain before you proceed.

    Use the controls to move domains between the Available Domains box and the Selected Domain box.


    Commerce domains both with and without CDN are listed under Available Domains if the domains are in the Live state.

  3. Choose the type of operation you want to perform on the selected domains:

    • Clear cache for the whole domain(s) — Clears cache for the whole domain.

    • Clear cache for the following path(s) — Clears cache for the specified URLs. If you have selected the Clear cache for the following path(s) option, you must add at least one URL path before you click Submit.


    For information about determining which URL you should use in cache invalidation requests, see Find URLs for Cache Invalidation.

  4. Click Submit.


    For Commerce domains without CDN caches, only internal caches are cleared because of the cache invalidation request.

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