Migrate Revenue Arrangements and Plans Log Reference

To open the Migrate Revenue Arrangements and Plans Log, click the link in the Submission Status column of the Process Status page after you submit the migration. Each revenue arrangement migrated also includes a link to the log in the Revenue Arrangement Message subtab of the Revenue Element subtab. The link is in the Migration Log column.

The log page reports the status of revenue arrangements processed for migration and includes the details of the migration submitted. The log has two subtabs: Successful Records and Failed Records. Each subtab includes a button that enables you to export the results as a CSV file.

Header of the Migrate Revenue Arrangements and Plans Log page includes the following fields:




Date the migration process was run


Two values are possible:

  • Complete – the process is complete even if some arrangements or plans failed

  • In Progress – the process is pending, processing, or deferred

    Click Refresh until the Status changes to Complete.

Cut-off Period

Cut-off Period selected for the migration

Saved Search

Link to the saved search used for the migration

Number of Records

Number of revenue arrangements processed in the migration

Revenue Migration Adjustment Account

Account specified for the revenue adjustment

Expense Migration Adjustment Account

Account specified for the cost adjustment. This field is included only when the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked.

Run By

Name of user who submitted the migration

The Successful Records subtab contains a list of the revenue arrangements that were processed successfully. Revenue arrangements are considered successfully processed if all process steps were successful. The Successful Records list includes the following columns:

The Failed Records subtab contains a list of the revenue arrangements that failed at any point in the migration process. The list may have more than one line per revenue arrangement because each failed process is listed. The subtab has the same columns as the Successful Records subtab, plus these additional columns:




Process step that failed, such as updating the revenue arrangement, allocating revenue and expense, or updating the revenue plan

Reason for Step Failure

Reason for the failure, for example, the amount for the revenue recognition plan could not be determined.

Element Number

Link to the revenue element

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General Notices