Viewing the Status of Submitted Transactions

After submitting your invoices to the Spanish tax authority, an XML response will be displayed on your screen.


You can use the information on the XML response to check the status of the transactions in the Spain Invoices Issued and Spain Invoices Received reports.

To view the status of submitted transactions, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Upload the XML Response to NetSuite

  1. Copy the displayed XML response, and then save it as an XML file.

  2. In NetSuite, go to Reports > Tax > SII Upload Results.

  3. On the Spain Online VAT Register – Upload Results page, click Choose File, and then select the XML response you saved.


    You can upload only one file at a time. If you have multiple files to upload, wait for the system to finish processing the current file before you upload another one.

  4. Click Upload.

    You will be notified through email when the SuiteApp has finished processing the upload results.

Step 2: View the Status of Submitted Transactions

  1. When the SuiteApp has finished processing the uploaded XML response, go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.

  2. On the Saved Searches page, click the View link for the Spain Online VAT Register – Upload Status search.

  3. On the Results page, you will see the list of transactions that you submitted along with the following details:

    • Document Number – Shows the transaction number in NetSuite.


      If duplicate document numbers are detected upon submission, the affected transactions will be rejected. To make sure your transaction numbers are unique across transaction types, read Avoiding Duplicate Transaction Numbers.

    • Registration Status – Shows the status of the submitted transactions:

      • Registered – The transaction was successfully registered with no errors.

      • Registered with Errors – The transaction was successfully registered, but the system detected an error in your submission. Check the Registration Message column for more information about the error that was detected on the transaction. You will need to correct the error, and resubmit the transaction. For information, see Resubmitting Transactions to Correct Errors.

      • Rejected – The transaction was not registered. Check the Registration Message column for more information about the error that was detected on the transaction. You will need to modify and resubmit the transaction. For more information, see Generating the Spain VAT Register Reports.


        Because rejected transactions are not yet registered, they will still be included in the Issued Invoices or Received Invoices report

    • Registration Code — For transactions with a status of either Registered with Errors or Rejected, this column displays the code for the error that was detected in the transaction.

    • Registration Message — For transactions with a status of either Registered with Errors or Rejected, this column displays details of the error that was detected in the transaction.


      To view details of the error in Spanish, refer to section 4.3 of the Error Validations document. Use the displayed registration code, look for the corresponding error message in the document.

General Notices