Setting the State or Province Field Preference

The Allow Free-Form States in Addresses preference affects the few cases where the state field appears as a body field on a record. In most cases, the state field is not a body field, but is part of a subrecord, and is not affected by this preference. When the state field is part of a subrecord, states entered as free text are automatically converted to abbreviations.

When the state field of the address appears as a body field on a record, you can set the format of the state or province field. Check the Allow Free-Form States in Addresses box to enter any text you choose in the State or Province field on addresses.

To set your State or Province field preference:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences ( Administrator ).

  2. Choose an option for the Allow Free-Form States in Addresses box:

    • Clear the box to disable free-form text entry in the State/Province field. Then, any text you enter is converted to standard state or province identifiers.

      Click here for more information about standard province identifiers.

    • Check the box to enable free-form text entry in the State/Province field. Then, you can enter any text and it is not converted to standard state or province identifiers.

  3. Click Save.

This preference does not affect your web store address form entries or UPS and FedEx shipping.

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