Working with Transactions

A transaction is a record of a business event. Many transactions record financial agreements between your business and its customers or vendors, such as sales and purchase orders, invoices, vendor bills, and so on. Other transactions record events such as inventory adjustments and assembly build transactions.

Many transactions result in the posting of an amount to the general ledger (GL). Some examples of posting transactions are bank deposits, vendor bills, and credit memos. Those transactions that do not impact the general ledger are called non-posting transactions. Some examples of non-posting transactions are purchase orders, sales orders, and return authorizations.


Processed lines for some transaction types contribute to the Monthly Transaction Lines metric that counts toward maximum limits for your NetSuite service tier. For more information, see Transaction Types Included in Monthly Transaction Lines Metric.

A transaction is a specialized type of a record. For general information about records, see Working with Records.

Click a link below for information that is specific to transactions:

Most transactions support scripting using SuiteScript. For a list of scriptable transactions, see Transactions. The individual transaction topics in this area include a brief description of the transaction and a link to detailed information.


For information about permissions, when working with transactions, see Permissions Documentation.

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