Transaction Types Included in Monthly Transaction Lines Metric

Each service tier includes support up to maximum limits for users, file storage, and monthly transaction lines processed. The number of transaction lines is determined by the Monthly Transaction Lines metric. This metric is calculated as the number of processed transaction lines per month across transaction types listed below, averaged over the most recent six months.

The following table lists all transaction types that contribute to the Monthly Transaction Lines metric.

Transaction Types

Assembly Build

Assembly Unbuild

Balancing Journal


Bill Credit

Bill Payment

Bin Putaway Worksheet

Bin Transfer

Blanket Purchase Order

Card Refund

Cash Refund

Cash Sale



Credit Card

Credit Memo

Cross Charge Journal

Currency Revaluation


Customer Deposit

Customer Payment Authorization

Customer Refund


Deposit Application

Deprecated Custom Transaction


Expense Report

Finance Charge

Fulfillment Request

GL Impact Adjustment

Inbound Shipment

Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Cost Revaluation

Inventory Count

Inventory Distribution

Inventory Status Change

Inventory Transfer

Inventory Worksheet


Invoice Group

Item Fulfillment

Item Receipt


Liability Adjustment

Netting Settlement


Ownership Transfer


Paycheck Journal


Payroll Adjustment

Payroll Liability Check

Period End Journal

Purchase Contract

Purchase Order

Purchase-Type Custom Transaction

Request For Quote


Return Authorization

Revenue Arrangement

Revenue Commitment

Revenue Commitment Reversal

Revenue Contract

Sales Order

Sales Tax Payment

Sales-Type Custom Transaction

Statement Charge

Store Pickup Fulfillment

System Journal

Tax Liability Cheque

Tegata Payable

Tegata Receivable


Transfer Order

Vendor Prepayment

Vendor Prepayment Application

Vendor Request For Quote

Vendor Return Authorization


Work Order

Work Order Close

Work Order Completion

Work Order Issue

The Transaction Line Workbook Solution is available on the SuiteApp marketplace to help you determine your company’s monthly transaction line usage in NetSuite. If you install the SuiteApp, you can then use the pre-populated workbook and dataset that appear under Analytics to see how many transaction lines you generate each month and then analyze transaction lines by transaction type. For details on installing SuiteApps, see SuiteApp Installation.

The Using SuiteAnalytics Workbook to Determine Your Monthly Transaction Line Usage video explains why transaction lines are important and includes instructions on how to setup the SuiteAnalytics Workbook if you are not using the Transaction Line Workbook Solution.


The number of transaction lines you see in the SuiteAnalytics Workbook are accurate, however, you might notice a minimal difference between the total value in the workbook and the usage numbers found on the Billing Information page. This is because a small number of transaction types, such as memorized transaction templates and statistical journals, do not appear in the Transaction Dataset in SuiteAnalytics. The discrepancy is less than 1%.

Transaction Types Not Included in Monthly Transaction Lines Metric

Apart from transaction types that contribute to the Monthly Transaction Lines metric, NetSuite provides other transaction-related records. You can see an example of such transaction types in SuiteCloud Supported Records under Transactions.


For information about specific transaction types and transaction-related records, go to Transactions > Transactions Overview and click on a transaction type in the Transactions Links portlet. After the transaction opens, click the Help button in the header of the page. An appropriate Help topic will open.

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