Inactivating Employee Records

You can inactivate employee records for employees who no longer actively work for your company. This enables you to remove their access to NetSuite, while retaining the history of their employment with your company.

When you inactivate an employee record, you can no longer select it in employee fields.

You can also delete an employee record. You would only do that if the record was created in error, or if you had some other reason to recreate the employee record. For more information, see Deleting Employee Records.

The following are some cases in which you would want to inactivate an employee record:

When you inactivate an employee record:

To inactivate an employee record:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Check the Show Inactives box at the top of the list.

  3. In the Inactive column, check the box next to the employee you want to inactivate.

  4. Click Submit.


You should also clear the Give Access box to revoke access for the employee. If you want to inactivate all roles of the employee, and the employee is also a partner, customer, or vendor, you must revoke access and inactivate those records, too.

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