Employee Termination

When an employee leaves your company, you should modify the person’s record to reflect the termination date. You should also remove any granted user roles and access permissions. You can inactivate the employee record if you want to prevent it from appearing in lists or as choices anywhere in your account. For more information, see Inactivating Employee Records.

You must also specify a termination date. If you use the Termination Reason Tracking feature, you must specify a termination category, termination reason, termination details, and if the termination is regretted. For more information, see Termination Reason Tracking.

If you use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll to pay this employee, you can create an individual paycheck to complete any financial obligation you have to them. For more information, see Viewing Individual Paychecks and Creating an Off-Cycle Payroll Batch.

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