Completing Financial Obligations to a Former Employee

You must follow the laws set by your jurisdiction to complete financial obligations to a terminated employee. Depending on the jurisdiction an employee works in, you might need to pay them on the same day that employment is terminated. Otherwise, you can process the employee's final paycheck in your regular payroll batch.

If you use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll to pay your employees, follow this procedure for compensating a terminated employee.

To complete financial obligations to a former employee:

  1. Update payroll information. This ensures the employee's new status is updated with the payroll tax engine. For more information, Updating Payroll Information

  2. If you need to process payroll on the same day that employment is terminated, create a one time payroll that includes only the terminated employee. For more information, Creating an Off-Cycle Payroll Batch.


    For same-day payroll batches, a fee applies. Direct deposits take at least two business days to process. To pay the employee with a check, check the No Direct Deposits box on the Payroll Batch page.

    The terminated employee is paid during the first regular payroll cycle that includes the termination date. You can also pay them from a one-time payroll batch.

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