Updating Payroll Information

When you use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, changes or updates made to the Set Up Payroll page must be committed to the payroll tax engine. The same is true for changes made to the employee, workplace, or payroll item records.

The Update Payroll Information page is a guide for issues that need to be resolved. It is also a reference for what changed since your last update. You must complete these steps often during the setup process, and whenever you make changes to records that affect payroll.


To view the history of any employee payroll changes, such as pay rate increases, go to the Employee Payroll Item History Report.

To commit payroll changes and updates:

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll > Update Payroll Information.

  2. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, select a subsidiary from the list in the Subsidiary field. For more information, see Payroll Setup in OneWorld.

  3. On the Update Payroll Information page, review the information shown on the following subtabs:

    • Updated Records – This subtab lists any records that have been updated since you last updated your payroll information. The record types listed may include your company record, payroll items, employees, and workplace records. You can click the name of a record in the Name column to verify any changes that you have made.

    • Employees Excluded from Payroll – This subtabs lists employees for whom the Include In Payroll box is clear on the Payroll subtab on the employee record. You should review the list of employees and verify that you do not want to pay them using NetSuite. For example, employees who work outside of the United States should appear on this list.

      To add an employee to your payroll, click the Name of the employee. Then, check Include in Payroll box on the Payroll subtab of the employee record.

    • To Resolve – This subtab contains a list of error codes and messages for payroll-related errors that currently exist in your account. To resolve an issue, click the name of the record in the Record column.


    All issues listed on this subtab must be resolved before you can run payroll.

  4. Read the statement that begins I have reviewed all information..., and then check the Agree box.

  5. Click Commit Updates.

  6. After committing your updates, review the To Resolve subtab again. If there are no items to resolve, you can run payroll. For more information about issues that may need to be resolved, see Payroll Errors During Setup.

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