Accounting SuiteApps

This release note was updated August 17, 2024.

Following are the 2024.2 accounting enhancements to SuiteApps:

Benchmark 360 Enhancements

The Benchmark 360 SuiteApp v1.0.1 contains the following enhancements:

  • Updated Currency Symbol for Benchmark Data- The system now displays the USD currency symbol for Revenue per FTE values when the currency value is in USD. Previously, the correct currency symbol for the benchmark data does not reflect for currencies with no exchange rate support in NetSuite.

  • Updated Benchmark 360 Workbook and Dataset Names- The Benchmark 360 labels for the KPI workbook names on the Preferences page are shortened to B360 due to the character limitations in the system. For example, Benchmark 360 Days Cash On Hand is now B360 Days Cash On Hand.

  • Additional Graph Legend Behavior- If the benchmark data currency is different from the currency of the KPI actual, an em dash (—) is shown in the variance of a KPI tile. Additionally, only the KPI actual value is shown but not the gauge chart for the KPI actual.

    Previously, if an em dash is shown in the graph, it indicates one of the following scenarios:

    • There are no transactions related to the KPI

    • There are errors in the workbook

    • There is no workbook selected for a KPI

    • The target value is negative

For more information, see Benchmark 360.

Approval Information Enhancements

SuiteApprovals version 7.02.9 lets you fix transaction records to ensure updates to fields. Specifically, you can fix failed updates for the Approval Status and Next Approver fields.

When a transaction contains a high volume of line items, it can take several minutes before the SuiteApp completes updating the Approval Status and Next Approver fields. This behavior causes an issue when the transaction record is approved before the update to the field is complete.

In the latest version, the SuiteApp includes the following enhancements to the approval information:

  • Record Update Failed Banner – On the transaction record, this banner message appears when the approval information update failed.

    The banner message varies based on the current user. If you are a final approver, the banner message contains instructions on how to fix the document. If you are not a final approver, the banner message informs you that an email is sent to the final approver to fix the document.

  • Transaction Failed to Update Email Notification – When you open a transaction, an email notification is sent one time only to the final approver about the transaction that failed to update.

  • Update Approval Information Button – When the final approver opens an affected transaction, this button is included on the record.

    Clicking this button updates the following fields:

    • Approval Status

    • Next Approver

For more information, see Updating the Approval Information of a Record.

Benchmark 360 SuiteApp Now Available in the SuiteApp Marketplace

The Benchmark 360 SuiteApp enables you to benchmark your company’s key metrics against other companies in the same industry and region to improve your performance. The SuiteApp provides a dashboard where you can view important industry benchmark data such as Top 25%, Median, and Bottom 25% for five preselected KPIs.

The benchmark KPIs include Days Cash on Hand, Days Sales Outstanding, Days Payable Outstanding, Employee Turnover Rate, and Revenue per FTE. NetSuite sources the industry benchmarks for these KPIs from American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC).

You can use the Benchmark 360 SuiteApp to:

  • Review industry benchmark for five KPIs included in the dashboard

  • Define performance metrics and set adjustable target values for each metric

  • Compare performance metrics against other companies in the same industry and region

  • Map different subsidiaries to the corresponding industry and region to view benchmark data

  • View industry benchmark data by region for a selected subsidiary

  • View NetSuite products and features relative to your industry and region to improve your KPIs

  • Use NetSuite contents and articles as guides to implement best business practices

Benchmark 360 Dashboard

For more information about the SuiteApp, see Benchmark 360.

Transaction Line Distribution Enhancements

Transaction Line Distribution SuiteApp includes enhancements for the following versions:

Transaction Line Distribution Version 1.2.0

Transaction Line Distribution SuiteApp version 1.2.0 is not yet available.

Transaction Line Distribution Version 1.1.2

Transaction Line Distribution SuiteApp version 1.1.2 includes the following updates:

  • Issue Fix on Printing Transactions

    The error in printing transactions is fixed. In View mode, you can now click Print from the Actions list and successfully print your transactions.

  • Issue Fix on Governance Limit Usage

    In the previous version, adding or editing transactions that had more than 1000 lines resulted in usage limit error. This issue is fixed in version 1.1.2.

  • Update to Classification Section Fields

    In this version of the SuiteApp, the following fields in the Classification section are now optional:

    • Department

    • Class

    • Location

For more information about the SuiteApp, see Transaction Line Distribution.

General Notices