Custom Transaction Statuses in XML Definitions

In SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), you can add statuses to custom transactions for your users to track the progress of each transaction instance. For information about statuses, see Statuses for a Custom Transaction Type.

To display the Status field on the custom transaction instance in the NetSuite user interface, set the showstatus field value to T. For information about the impact of displaying or hiding the status, see Displaying or Hiding the Status Field for a Custom Transaction Type.


If the custom transaction type has an application ID and was installed as part of a SuiteApp, the status sublist cannot be modified in the NetSuite user interface. You can modify the status sublist during application development using SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) by editing the XML definition of the SDF custom object in a SuiteCloud project.

In SDF, the status of the custom transaction can be referenced by one of the following IDs:

If an instance of the custom transaction exists, you cannot modify the posting field value or remove the status. Attempting to modify the posting value or remove the status results in a validation error. For information about modifying or deleting a custom transaction status, see Modifying or Deleting a Custom Transaction Type Status.

The following example defines two statuses for a custom transaction: Open and Closed.

          <customtransactiontype scriptid="customtransaction1">
        <status scriptid="open_status">
        <status scriptid="closed_status">


In the preceding example, the custom transaction status can be referenced in the following ways:

By default, custom transactions also contain the following statuses:

Consider the following information regarding the voided and undefined statuses:

To reference a custom transaction status, see Referencing a Custom Transaction in XML Definitions.

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