Displaying or Hiding the Status Field for a Custom Transaction Type

If you have created statuses, you can also choose to display the Status field on transaction instances. When the Status field is displayed, it appears on the standard entry form as a list that the user can set.

Be aware that when you display the Status field, you make it available to anyone who has permission to edit instances of the transaction type using the standard entry form. However, you may want the field to be available only to certain people. You may have a situation where other users may need to create and edit transaction instances, but these users should not be permitted to set the Status field. In these situations, you should complete two tasks:

Configuring the Transaction Type to Include the Status Field in the UI

Before the Status field can be available to anyone in the UI, you have to configure it to be available to the transaction type. When you choose this configuration, you make the field viewable and available on the standard entry form for the type.

To configure the transaction type to include the Status field in the UI:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Types, and click the name of the appropriate transaction type.

  2. Click the Statuses subtab.

  3. If you want the Status field to be displayed on the transaction, check the Show Status Field box. If you want to hide the Status field, clear the box.

  4. Click Save.

Refining the Availability of the Status Field

If you have configured a transaction type so that the Status field is visible, you may want to restrict access to the field for certain roles. For example, you may prefer that, for some users, the field is either hidden or read-only. To create these restrictions, use the following procedure.

To refine the availability of the status field:

  1. Create a custom form, and modify the settings for the Status field:

    1. Create the form by opening the transaction type and clicking the Forms subtab. Locate the standard entry form for the type and click Customize. In response, the system displays details about a new custom entry form, which you can configure.

    2. Click the Screen Fields subtab. Locate the row that represents the Status field, and make one of the following changes:

      • To hide the field from view, clear the box in the Show column.

      • To make the field read-only, change the Display Type field by doing one of the following: To gray out and disable the field, select Disabled. To make the field’s current setting display as on-screen text, select Inline Text.


      For more details about working with custom forms, see Adding Custom Forms for a Custom Transaction Type.

    3. Click Save to create the form.

  2. Configure the role to permit access to the custom form that you created:

    1. Open the role for editing by going to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. Identify the role you want to modify and click Edit or Customize.

    2. Click the Forms subtab. The system displays a list of transactions that the role has permission to work with. This list includes one row for each of the transaction’s available entry forms.

    3. To remove the role’s ability to use the standard entry form, locate the row that represents the form. Clear the box in the Enabled column.

    4. To verify that the role has permission to use the new custom form, locate the row that represents the custom form. Make sure that the box in the Enabled column is checked.

    5. Click Save.

    Sample Forms subtab with Enabled box checked on the Transaction subtab.

    Before the role can work with any entry form for the transaction type, the role must also have permission to view or use the transaction type. For details, see Permissions for Custom Transaction Instances.

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