Creating a Grant Milestone

Use grant milestones to track the milestones for grants, such as deadlines for various reports, approval deadlines, and so on. This enables your organization to comply with a grant’s terms and conditions.

You can also set up automatic reminders to the designated staff responsible for the milestone. Reminders can be for sending required reports on time or following-up on requested approvals.

To create a grant milestone:

  1. Go to the Grant Milestone page:

    • If you already have the grant open, in the Milestones subtab, click New Grant Milestone.

    • If you don’t have the grant open, you can also go to NFP Financial Center > Grant Management > Grant Milestone.

    NetSuite opens the Grant Milestone page.


    From the Custom Form list, you should select a preferred form, rather than keeping the default selection.

  2. If not already populated, in the Grant list, select the grant for which you want to add milestones.

  3. From the Milestone Type list, select the type of deadline.

  4. In the Milestone Description field, enter a description of the milestone.

  5. From the Assigned To list, select the responsible staff member.

    After assigned staff members reach the milestone, they can complete the Date Completed field.

  6. In the Due Date field, pick the date by which this milestone must be reached.

  7. From the Notify To list, select additional staff members to receive automatic email notifications for the milestone.

    Hold down the Shift key to select multiple members.

  8. If required, add a note.

  9. Click Save.

    NetSuite automatically sends an email notification to the chosen staff member.

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