Country-Specific Reports Overview


The Counry-Specific Reports SuiteApp will no longer receive feature enhancements. Support will still be provided to issues but no new features will be added.


There are changes to the planned migration of the country-specific reporting features. For more information, see Changes to the Migration and Level of Support for the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp.

The Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp enables users to build complex financial reports such as balance sheets and income statements for different countries. The SuiteApp can be used with other Localization SuiteApps, which can provide more reporting capabilities. For example, the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp used with Contra Accounts Sheet SuiteApp enables you to drill-down on an account in the report.

Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp Mechanics

Each value in the report is stored as a variable. A variable can be a computation of values from a single or multiple accounts in your general ledger, or a computation of values involving other variables. For more information, see Adding and Editing Report Elements.

To define the structure of your report, such as defining the level of indentation and the number of columns, you create a HTML/XML template using a set of macros. For more information, see Creating a Template for the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp.

The HTML/XML template and the variables in your report are stored in a report record. The report record is where you can set the method for calculating the net amount, the accounting context, and the type of financial report, which determines, for example, the drill-down characteristics, among other reporting details. For information about creating a report record, see Creating Reports with the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp.

Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp Users

Users of the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp can be classified into three categories according to a user's knowledge level of using NetSuite customizations. Building a report needs more than a basic user. You can consider your NetSuite administrators as NetSuite developer-level users. By default, administrators have Full permission level to this SuiteApp's records.

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