Creating a Template for the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp

Every report created using the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp is based on an HTML/XML template.

Create a report template in your preferred HTML/XML editor. When you have created your report template, upload the template file to the File Cabinet at Documents > Files > File Cabinet. For more information, see Uploading Files to the File Cabinet.

Create a report template in the following structure:

          <table class="csr-about">
            <h2 class="csr-title">${}</h2>
            <!-- Other report info go here -->
<div class="csr-content">
    <table class="csr-data">
        <!-- Reported data go here -->


You don’t have to include the <body> tag.

In case you need to specify a maximum width of the report (for example, in case of an income statement), wrap the code into a <div> and add your preferred max-width attribute. The default maximum width of the whole report container is 1400px:

          <div style="max-width: 1000px;">  
    <table class="csr-about">
                <h2 class="csr-title">${}</h2>
                <!-- Other report info go here -->
    <div class="csr-content">
        <table class="csr-data">
            <!-- Reported data go here -->


You can then add classes to apply certain formatting styles, or macros that handle drill-downs. To add and adjust elements to your report, see the following help topics.

Related Topics

General Notices