Two-Column Layout in Country-Specific Reports

For special cases (like the balance sheet report), there is a possibility to split the report into two columns. The rows containing totals for both columns are automatically aligned.

To use the two-columns layout, assign the .csr-columns-2 class to the div.csr-content. This section must contain two columns: <div> elements using the .csr-column class.

          <table class="csr-about">
    <!-- ... -->
<div class="csr-content csr-columns-2">
    <!-- Column 1 -->
    <div class="csr-column">
        <table class="csr-data">
            <!-- ... --> 
    <!-- END Column 1 -->
    <!-- Column 2 -->
    <div class="csr-column">
        <table class="csr-data">
            <!-- ... -->
    <!-- END Column 2 -->

An example of how a table created using the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp looks like with a two-columns layout. This means that the whole report is split into two separate columns.

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