SCIS Domain Safelist Record

The SCIS Domain Safelist record is a custom record installed by SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) to enable setting up a safelist. It contains a list of domains that can be accessed using the device running SCIS. These safelisted domains are global to your account, regardless of location or subsidiary. The following domains are required for SCIS to function properly.


After applying any configuration changes, including changes to the Domain Safelist, Certificates and Printer Settings, the user must log out and log in again to refresh the updated settings to the device. For changes to printer settings, the user must also select the printer again from the main menu in the SCIS for iOS app.

To create a new entry to the SCIS Domain Safelist record:

  1. Go to Commerce > InStore > Domain Safelist.

  2. Click New SCIS Domain Safelist.

  3. Enter the domain in the Name field.

  4. Click Save.

Most of the following domains are added to the SCIS Domain Safelist record automatically. If there are domains in this list that do not appear in your account, you must add them.

Required Safelist Domains:

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