Set Up Best Sellers in the Web Store

To make best–selling items available as a sorting option, facet, or search criteria in your web store, you must first add it to your Web Site Setup record.

To set up a best seller field as a search, facet, or sort field for your website:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Web Site List.

  2. Click Edit for the website where you want to set up best seller sorting.

  3. Go to the Search Index tab.

  4. Go to the Search Fields, Facet Fields, or Sort Fields subtab, depending on whether you want to use Best Sellers as a search, facet, or sort option.

    For more information about search settings, see Search Settings Overview.

  5. In the Field Name list, select the best seller custom fields and click Add.

    You can add any or all of these fields according to whether you want to determine best-selling items by sales quantity or sales amount.

  6. Click Save.

Best Seller Fields

The SuiteCommerce Best Sellers extension adds the following fields to the Item record to calculate the best seller rating:

Field Name

Field ID

Last 7 Days – Sales Amount


Last 7 Days – Sales Quantity


Last 30 Days – Sales Amount


Last 30 Days – Sales Quantity


Last 90 Days – Sales Amount


Last 90 Days – Sales Quantity


Last 365 Days – Sales Amount


Last 365 Days – Sales Quantity


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