N/translation Module

Use the N/translation module to allow SuiteScript developers to interact with NetSuite Translation Collections programmatically. For more information about Translation Collections, see Translation Collections Overview.


You can watch a video that demonstrates how to use the N/translation module to work with Translation Collections.


The N/translation module provides read-only access. If you want to create or modify Translation Collections, you can do so in the NetSuite UI at Customization > Translations > Manage Translations

For more information about managing Translation Collections in the UI, see Manage Translations UI Overview.

A Translation Collection is encapsulated in the translation.Handle object. The translation.Handle object is a hierarchical object, which means that each node in the object is either another translation.Handle object or a translation.Translator function. Translator functions combine strings with parameters. When you create a Translation Collection in the NetSuite UI, you can include parameter placeholders in your translation strings. The translator function injects the specified parameter values into the placeholders in the returned translation string.

In your scripts, use translation.get(options) to get a translation.Translator function you can use to obtain specific translated strings in a collection. Consider the following code sample:

          // key HELLO_1 = 'Hello, {1}'

message: translation.get({
    collection: 'custcollection_my_strings',
    key: 'HELLO_1'
    params: ['NetSuite']


In this sample, if the string value of the HELLO_1 key is "Hello, {1}", the translation.Translator function combines the string with the params parameter value and returns "Hello, NetSuite". You can also use translation.load(options) to load translation strings from one or more Translation Collections. For information about the way strings are added to and formatted in collections, see Working with Translation Collection Strings.

You can load collections in different language locales by using the locales parameter of translation.load(options). You can also use translation.selectLocale(options) to create a translation.Handle object in a specific locale from an existing translation.Handle object.

In This Help Topic

N/translation Module Members

Member Type


Return Type / Value Type

Supported Script Type





Client and server scripts

Encapsulates a Translation Collection for a locale.


Object / Function

Client and server scripts

Represents a translator function that returns translated strings. The translated strings include variables that are passed as parameters to the translator function.




Client and server scripts

Creates a translator function for a key in the specified Translation Collection and locale.



Client and server scripts

Creates a translation.Handle object with translations for the specified Translation Collections and locales.



Client and server scripts

Creates a translation.Handle object in the specified locale from an existing translation.Handle object.




Client and server scripts

Holds the supported locales for Translation Collections.

Use this enum to pass the locale argument to translation.get(options) and translation.selectLocale(options).

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